When a client decides to come to Stepping Stones of Atlanta Recovery Residence, there are 2 fees due at intake to enter our sober living:
1. $200.00- One Time Intake Fee
2. $1100.00-Covers First Month's Program Fees
No client is allowed to be behind and must stay current unless agreed upon.
After the first month's payment, clients have 2 options to pay for program fees:
1. $275.00 a week- 7 days such as Friday to Friday
2. $1100.00 a month, ex: 17th-17th, which makes it cheaper do to one transaction.
Monthly is cheaper due to one time payment. Fees are also non refundable.
For some people, they like to pay for all six months upfront. If that is the case, please call us to discuss the discounted rate.
Pending:APP is in middle of update . Address and fees are wrong.
Stepping Stones of Atlanta Recovery Residence works with some amazing non profits that help cover part of the entry fee. Feel free to call us for more information, but below are links to the non profits that provide help to get into sober living/ halfway houses. They usually cover 1-3 weeks, so the client must be motivated to find a job upon entry.
Michael James Foundation
HopeLink-Cumming Ministries
Assistance Request Form
Clean Cause Foundation
We also work with certain churches and other organizations. Just ask. Certain ones require certain requirements.